Friday, December 27, 2019

`` Wild Nights `` By Emily Dickinson - 961 Words

The poem â€Å"Wild Nights† was written in 1891, and first published in 1891. It is a very short poem written by Emily Dickinson. Emily Dickinson was born in Amherst, Massachusetts, and throughout her life she lived in isolation. Dickinson spent quite a few years in the Academy studying English and other courses. Consequently, she left the Academy at age of 15 in order to get higher education. Emily Dickinson was known to be one of the greatest and most unique poets. Dickinson secretly created bundles of poetry and wrote a lot of letters. Most of Emily Dickinson’s secret poetry and letters were discovered by her sister Lavinia, Dickinson’s outstanding work was published after her death. The poem â€Å"Wild Nights† can be understood in several different ways, but the most noticeable interpretation is how the poem talks about passion, expression of love and sexual desire. It seems to describe a passionate encounter between two lovers. In her poem â€Å"Wi ld Nights† Emily Dickinson uses a lot of metaphors and anaphora to express her passion for her lover. Emily Dickinson began writing poetry in her teen years. In late 1855, Dickinson moved with her family back to Homestead, which was her birthplace. Her father, Edward Dickinson, was a lawyer who later on became a treasurer of Amherst College. Her mother, Emily Norcross Dickinson, was a very humble person. Dickinson had an older brother named Austin and a younger sister, Lavinia. Dickinson’s parentsShow MoreRelatedEmily Dickinson s Poem Wild Nights- Wild Nights 1295 Words   |  6 PagesLooking at the Gothic poet of the 18th century, Emily Dickinson, and her poem â€Å"Wild Nights- Wild Nights!† I can compare and contrast it to a goth song, â€Å"My Secret Garden† (1982), by Depeche Mode. The main highlight that unites both of these pieces, though the time difference is relatively long, is the fact that they both describe a secret atmosphere. They are also comparable because Dickinson is talking about the wild nights that she imagined and Mode is talking about the secret garden, which inRead MoreAnalysis Of Emily Dickinsons The Storm1253 Words   |  6 Pageswants to extend her vacation, which she does want to do. In Emily Dickinson’s â€Å"Wild Nights†, the poet displays the image of a stormy night full of passion. The speaker is saying that there will always be a way to love as long as there is a heart waiting. In the beginning of the poem, the speaker is away. Then in the second stanza, the speaker does not let the storm get in the way because the heart is enough to guide the way. Emily Dickinson writes â€Å"Done with the compass, /Done with the chart!† as aRead MoreAnalysis Of Emily Dickinson s Misty Wall 1183 Words   |  5 PagesAshley Vargas Misty Wall ENG 231 April 30, 2015 Emily Dickinson: Love Emily Dickinson lived a very solitary life. Though countless of her poems involved a topic of love. How did she cover the theme of love while living in her own world? Well, she goes about this in different types of poetry such as spiritual communication, using the combination of love and sex, and the separation of lovers (Emily Dickinson.). Dickinson lived in total physical isolation from the outside world but it was statedRead MoreEmily Dickinson : The Point When A Reader1749 Words   |  7 PagesHorieh Introduction to Literature Professor Knoernschild November 27, 2015 Emily Dickinson At the point when a reader hears the name Emily Dickinson, they consider a female who composed verse that has been surely understood for a considerable length of time and years. Much to their dismay that Emily Dickinson established American Literature, and began an entire unrest of verse. The procedure Dickinson used to keep in touch with her verse was at no other time seen and was the foundationRead MoreEssay on Emily Dickinson: Untitled, Unregulated, and Unchained942 Words   |  4 Pagescross-stitched and framed on your grandmother’s bathroom wall, and engraved into silver lockets. Regarded as one of the greatest American poets, you are no stranger to her work. You know her name. Say it. Emily Dickinson. And boy, was she a wierdo! †¦admittedly, most geniuses are. Emily Dickinson dedicated most of her privileged, reclusive life to her art. She employed a brilliance for lyricism, unconventional form, syntactical experimentation, and set the course for possibilities of poetic craftRead MoreSex Through The Centuries By Emily Dickinson1013 Words   |  5 Pagesthe more recent poem â€Å"Wild Nights-Wild Nights† by Emily Dickinson. This is partly because of the way that people spoke at that point in time, and partly to disguise the meaning with subtlety. The more recent poem shows less eloquence, but it does have a double meaning. They are both, however, deceptive on the surface with underlying sexual messages in their context. A comparison of â€Å"Come, My Celia, Let us prove† by Ben Jonson and â€Å"Wild Nights-Wild Nights† by Emily Dickinson shows that love and desireRead MoreThe Themes of Emily Dickinsons Poetry3970 Words   |  16 PagesThemes of Emily Dickinsons Poetry Emily Dickinson was a great American poet who has had a lasting effect on poetry, yet she was a very complicated poet in the 1860s to understand, because of her thought patterns. Dickinson wrote from life experiences and her deepest thoughts. She wrote for herself as a way of letting out her feelings. Dickinson Wrote 1,775 hundred poems but only published seven in her life time because she did not write poetry for publishing. In fact, Emily Dickinson left a letterRead MoreEmily Dickinson s Death And Made1091 Words   |  5 PagesEmily Dickinson was a writer that had a morbid, yet beautiful way of expressing her thoughts. It takes many times to read her work and finally grasp some of what she means. Her poems leave the reader questioning and wondering why exactly a certain stanza was written that way. Dickinson wrote about death and made it seem as though she knew what it was really like, those very last moments of life. Then on the other hand, she wrote about happy experiences in li fe, sexual ones, and some that make insaneRead MoreConcept Of Death in ‘Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night versus ‘Because I Could Not Stop For Death1167 Words   |  5 Pagesdying. In examining the poem Because I Could Not Stop For Death? by Emily Dickinson and Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night? by Dylan Thomas, it is evident that the poets use contrasting and comparative techniques in their unique presentations of the concept of death. In the poem Because I Could Not Stop For Death? Emily Dickinson presents the idea of acceptance of death, whereas in the poem Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night? Dylan Thomas presents the idea of refusal and opposition to deathRead MoreAmbiguity of the Concept of Death: a Comparison of ‘Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night?and ‘Because I Could Not Stop for Death1201 Words   |  5 Pagesdying. In examining the poem Because I Could Not Stop For Death? by Emily Dickinson and Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night? by Dylan Thomas, it is evident that the poets use contrasting and comparative techniques in their unique presentations of the concept of death. In the poem Because I Could Not Stop For Death? Emily Dickinson presents the idea of acceptance of death, whereas in the poem Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night? Dylan Thomas presents the idea of refusal and opposition to death

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Gender, Sexuality And Sexual Identity - 3292 Words

Ryan_Alicia_18789106_EDC111_Ass2 Are issues of diversity represented fairly, realistically and accurately or problematically in Australian schools in regards to issues of gender, sexuality and sexual identity. For students to thrive in their learning experience, schools need to provide a safe nurturing environment, free from harassment, aggression, violence and bullying. Homophobia and discrimination can have a significant negative impact on Lesbian, Gay, Bi-Sexual and Transgender (LGBT) students as well as children from same-sex families, especially in the schooling years (Sexual Diversity, 2016). While the Sex Discrimination Act (1984) and the NSW Anti-Discrimination Act (1977) dictate sexual diversity laws that schools are required†¦show more content†¦These inequities are presented in many ways. Gender stereotyping can advocate prejudice and discrimination and can place constraints on people s lives. Stereotyping can pressure individuals to make choices that conform to society s definition of normal (Jennett, 2013). From birth, children are exposed to gender stereotypes, such as pink is for girls and blue is for boys (Peters, 2014). As children grow, society as well at consumerism, dictate which toys, games, books and clothes are appropriate gender representations. By the time children start to make their choices, most will realise what is expected of them, and act accordingly. Other children will defy these constraints, and in turn may feel as though, not conforming to these expectations, is wrong (Jennett, 2013). According to O Brien (2013), children as young as three years old can anticipate their parent s ideas on gender appropriate toys, and have the ability to choose accordingly. McNaughton (2000) argues that children obtain an identity on a social basis, through a course of observation and engagement. Children injudiciously absorb what is presented to them. In the case of equality in schooling, children uncritically learn understandings of gender, race and class that teachers, peers and parents offer them. Siraj-Blatchford Clarke (2004) argue that children can only learn to be accepting, and challenge prejudicial generalisations, acquire inclusiveness and

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

The Concept of Stable Equilibrium Samples †

Question: Discuss about the Concept of Stable Equilibrium. Answer: The concept of stable equilibrium A stable economic equilibrium exists if an economy is able to gravitate back to equilibrium after a shock. The concept of a stable equilibrium economy can be explained through the analogy of a marble resting at the bottom of a bowl as in the diagram labeled (a) in figure one below. In any case the marble is nudged a bit up any side of the bowl, the marble will always return to the normal position where it was resting at the bottom of the bowl (Tieben, 2012). A stable equilibrium can also be explained though the concept of market equilibrium. The diagram below illustrates the concept of stable equilibrium. The diagram indicated as figure two above illustrates the concept of stable equilibrium economy in relation to a stable market equilibrium (University of Adelaide Flinders University, 2012). The figure indicates marks as DD which represents a negatively sloped demand curve as well as the line marked SS representing a positively sloped supply curve. The intersection point marked E indicates the point of equilibrium. The price OP and the price OQ determines the equilibrium (Schwo?diauer, 2011). The stable economic equilibrium can also be seen the manner of the market equilibrium, where in any case the economy is affected by any external force, the economy is ab le to settle back to its normal stability. If any prices are set to the economic system above the equilibrium price which in the diagram is marked as OP1also known as the marked price, a downward pressure is created to the equilibrium back to its initial point. At the marked price in the diagram, P1B is the quantity supplied to the market while the quantity demanded is only at P1A. In such cases the equilibrium has been shocked where the quantity demanded is higher than the quantity demanded. The surplus therefore exists in the market to the extent of point AB (Schwo?diauer, 2011). In this case a downward pressure is created in the price. The downward pressure created acts applies on the prices up to the equilibrium point where the quantity demanded equals the quantity supplied. This applies to various markets within an economy such as labor market where minimum wage bill is used to maintain the market at equilibrium. The same applies to the prices below the equilibrium prices. In respect to the diagram, by taking the price OP2, at this price the quantity of products available in the market is below the quantity in demand (Ralf, 2010). As a result of the excess demand in the equilibrium market, an opposite pressure is created to push the price upwards to the point of equilibrium where the quantity demanded equals the quantity supplied. The same situation applies to a stable economic equilibrium where the government sets out various policy to maintain the economy to an equilibrium point. In consideration of the market equilibrium above, a stable economy is one of the economy which can be restored to the initial point after several policy applications. But in most cases policies leads to a shift in an economy making most of the economic equilibrium to be posit ively unstable (Ralf, 2010). Is Australia a stable equilibrium economy? Australia is not a stable equilibrium economy currently based on the economic growth the country is currently going through and the policies the government is applying to maintain the economic growth. A stable economic equilibrium is one of the economy which is able to restore itself back to the equilibrium point after being shocked by various forces. The stability of any economic equilibrium is determined by its ability to restore itself back to the point automatically via the economic fundamentals (Anderson, 2009). Based on the current economic growth witnessed over the past years, the Australian economy cannot be said to at stable equilibrium. Currently the Gross Domestic Product of the country and is moving faster that the government has to use policies to maintain a balance. The positive change in the GDP creates a shift within the economic equilibrium making the equilibrium point to shift to the right. The economic equilibrium of the nation can therefore be identified as a positively unstable equilibrium. Australian economy is currently growing very fast this has affected various markets within the economy thus unstable equilibrium economy (Anderson, 2009). The growth in the economy has fueled an increase in the GDP as stated leading a shift in the economic equilibrium state as in the diagram below. When Gross domestic product changes positively as witnessed in the case of the Australia, a shift is created within the economic equilibrium. Dynamic Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply Model, Adapted from Essentials of Economics: 3rd ed. (p.453), by Hubbard, G., Garnett, A., Lewis, P., O'Brien, A. (2016) Melbourne: Pearson Australia. The adopted diagram can be used to illustrate the effect of an increase in GDP, when the nations economy is growing very fast as the Australian economy, the equilibrium balance is affected by various factors such increased income and the government spending. These factors results into a shift within the AD model indicating the instability in the economic equilibrium (Bjrndal Munro, 2012). considering only two points (AB) in the dynamic diagram above, the economic growth results into a shift of the economic equilibrium from point A to point B. the economic equilibrium economic equilibrium as a result of the positive change in the Australian GDP keeps on moving to a new equilibrium point (Altman Nieuwenhuysen, 2009). And when the shift occurs to the positive side an inflation is likely to occur as the price shifts from the point P1 to the next level P2. The changes in price occurs as a result of an increase in income due to the employment opportunities created by the continuously gro wing economy. The government in such cases has to maintain the rate of inflation at a given healthy point, the government applies monetary policies which results into a shift in the equilibrium point. Based on the current rate of economic growth and the positive change in the Australian Gross Domestic Product, the RBA is obligated to maintain the economic equilibrium at a balance. The nation as result of the economic growth is managing the rate of inflation through the use of monetary policies (Altman Nieuwenhuysen, 2009). The economic growth results into the shift of the equilibrium from point A to point C as in the diagram above. But through the application of monetary policies, the equilibrium points remains at the point B without reaching the point C. The Australian economic equilibrium is therefore at unstable equilibrium since at no point can the RBA policies moves the economic equilibrium at the initial point where GDP is at 930 billion dollars and the price stands at 100. Conclusion In relation to the above discussions and illustrations it is therefore evident that the economic equilibrium of Australia is positively unstable at the current time rather than stable economic equilibrium. Australian economy is growing very fast and has set an example for other national in the globe. With the growth of the economy, the Australian GDP is moving higher as a result of factors such as population, increased income, infrastructural improvement and government expenditure. The government through the obligated arms applies various policies and mechanisms to make the equilibrium balanced but unlike the marble resting at the bottom of a bowl or the market equilibrium, the Australian economic equilibrium never settles back to the initial point but balances at a new point through a shift making the economic equilibrium of Australia to be positively unstable. References Altman, J. C., Nieuwenhuysen, J. P. (2009). The economic status of Australian aborigines. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Anderson, K. (2009). Australia's economy in its international context: The Joseph Fisher lectures. Adelaide: University of Adelaide Press. Bjrndal, T., Munro, G. R. (2012). Theeconomics and management of world fisheries. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Ralf, K. (2010). Business Cycles: Market Structure and Market Interaction. Heidelberg: Physica-Verlag HD. Schwo?diauer, G. (2011). Equilibrium and Disequilibrium in Economic Theory: Proceedings of a Conference Organized by the Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna, Austria July 3-5, 1974. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands. Tieben, B. (2012). The concept of equilibrium in different economic traditions: An historical investigation. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Pub. University of Adelaide., Flinders University. (2012). Australian economic papers. Adelaide: University of Adelaide.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Tiffany Co. Case Analysis free essay sample

Tiffany Company Tiffany has decided to sell direct in Japan as opposed to selling wholesale to Mitsukoshi and Mitsukoshi selling to the public. In this agreement Tiffany will give Mitsukoshi 27% of net retail sales in exchange for providing the boutique facilities, sales staff, collection of receivables, and security for store inventory. This new agreement exposes Tiffany to the fluctuation in the yen-dollar exchange rate. Therefore, they are considering two basic hedging alternatives to reduce exchange-rate risk on their yen cash flows. The first alternative was to sell yen for dollars at a predetermined price in the future using a forward contract. The second alternative was to purchase a yen put option allowing them to exercise their option only if it was more profitable in the future at the future spot rate. Two more alternatives that we think are appropriate are a synthetic forward using options and a synthetic forward using interest rate parity. We will write a custom essay sample on Tiffany Co. Case Analysis or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Furthermore, Tiffany needs to understand the hedging alternatives and determine what, if any, strategy is right for them. 1. In what ways is Tiffany exposed to exchange-rate risk subsequent to its new distribution agreement with Mitsikoshi? How serious are these risks? Tiffany is exposed to foreign exchange risk by selling directly to the Japanese market. When they sold wholesale to Mitsukoshi, Mitsukoshi bore all the foreign exchange risk. Under this new agreement Tiffany is now exposed to the volatile fluctuations in the yen-dollar exchange rate. Since Tiffany is making profits in yen they have to convert the yen to dollars to take back to their home country. Since the yen is thought to be overvalued in comparison to the dollar, the future exchange rate can decrease Tiffanys profits. Also, the extreme volatility in the exchange rate creates significant uncertainty in what the future exchange rate and profits will be if left unhedged. The most important foreign exchange risk facing Tiffany is the operating exposure risk. The other types of foreign exchange risk to be taken into consideration in order of importance are transaction and translation risk. Operating exposure is created by changes in the amount of future operating cash flows caused by an exchange rate change. This is the most important source of future exchange risks and is difficult to hedge. Exchange gains or losses are determined by changes in the firms future competitive position and are real. This risk impacts revenues and the costs associated with future sales and should be looked at long term. Therefore, Tiffany is exposed to this risk; if the yen depreciates against the dollar, Tiffanys will receive fewer dollars. Transaction exposure results from existing contracts that are binding future foreign currency-denominated cash flows and creates a risk to the net present value of the contracts. Tiffany is exposed to this risk because they have agreed to reverse $115 million in sales. Only $52. 5 million in inventory was repurchased from Mitsukoshi in July 1993. Mitsukoshi agreed to accept a deferred payment of $25 million to be paid in yen quarterly over the next 4. 5 years. The remaining inventory will be repurchased throughout February 1998. Translation risk is created by changes in income statement items and book value of assets and liabilities caused by changes in the exchange rate. This risk relates to past activities which already appear on the balance sheet and income statement, therefore this type of risk is not serious because it does not affect Tiffanys distribution agreement with Mitsukoshi. 2. Should Tiffany actively manage its yen-dollar exchange rate risk? Why or why not? Tiffany should actively manage its yen-dollar exchange risk. Tiffany knows they will have a substantial amount of yen cash inflows from their new arrangement of selling direct in Japan. If Tiffany does not hedge this currency exchange risk then their earnings will fluctuate. With the yen-dollar exchange rate being so volatile at this time (even having large changes from month to month), it is the best time to hedge in order to help smooth their earnings and reduce risk. The downside is that options prices are more expensive when there is more volatility. Since the yen is thought to be overvalued there is speculation that it will depreciate in the future compared to the dollar. If the yen depreciates and Tiffany converts their yen at the prevailing spot rate then their dollars received will be decreased. 3. If Tiffany were to manage exchange rate risk activity, what should be the objectives of such a program? Specifically, what exposure should be actively managed? How much of these exposures should be covered, and for how long? The objectives of managing exchange rate risk should not be to bet on currency fluctuations or to try to make a profit on exchange rates. Instead the objective should be to reduce risk associated with operating exposure. By hedging, Tiffany can reduce drastic fluctuates in net income due to currency exchange rate changes. Smoothing net income can help with taxes by keeping cash flows smooth instead of having huge profits followed by a loss. The main objective of managing exchange rate risk should be to decrease volatility and reduce risk. Tiffany should actively manage operational exposure and transaction exposure. The longer exposures are covered the more expensive the option is; therefore Tiffany should hedge short term and then roll their position forward. Since Tiffany has to repay for inventory returned by Mitsukoshi on a quarterly basis they can use their cash flows in yen to repay Mitsukoshi and hedge only the remaining amount. Since the repayment is done on a quarterly basis Tiffany should buy a synthetic forward for three months to match their yen liability. This way, as the economy and outlook for sales changes, Tiffany can adjust their hedging strategy on a quarterly basis and hedge that amount minus their inventory repayment to Mitsukoshi. 4. As instruments for risk management, what are the chief differences of foreign exchange options and forward or future contracts? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each? What, if either, of these instruments would be most appropriate for Tiffany to use if it chose to manage exchange rate risk? With foreign exchange options you pay the price up front and at expiration you have the option to exercise. If you buy a call option and at expiration it is in the money you will exercise your option and buy at the strike price. On the other hand, if the call is out of the money you will buy in the market place. This means you are not locked in to buying at a set price, but if favorable you have the option to do so. This is beneficial if you are uncertain you will need to hedge (uncertain cash flow or bid on a contract that you might not get) or if you want to keep the upside potential and do not want to lock into a specific rate. A forward contract is usually cheaper and it locks in the exchange rate to be made at a future date. The downside to a forward contract is that once you enter into it you have to deliver at expiration. This removes downside risk because you are guaranteed that exchange rate, but it also takes away upside potential because you have to deliver at the specified rate. Another alternative would be to create a synthetic forward using options by buying a put and selling a call with the same strike price. This would essentially lock in the future rate at the strike price, the cost of this would be the cost of buying the put minus the money you receive for selling the call (by selling the call you are lowering the cost compared to only buying a put). The last alternative would be to use a synthetic forward using interest rate parity and the given interest rates for the two countries.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Thank You for Smoking Review Essay Example

Thank You for Smoking Review Paper Essay on Thank You for Smoking Im just doing my job Rudolf Hess, Obersturmbahnfuehrer SS commandant of Auschwitz 1940-1943 Ministry of Health warns: smoking is dangerous to your health! The Ministry of Health The Ministry of health take note: smoking MAYBE some effect on your health! We will write a custom essay sample on Thank You for Smoking Review specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Thank You for Smoking Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Thank You for Smoking Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Nick Naylor Nick Naylor Charming of mass murderers. His eloquence and charisma to Lee Harvey Oswald, or the psychopath shot and killed Martin Luther King and they would be worn on the hands, as national heroes. Nick Naylor personally responsible for the death of an annual 200,000 citizens of America. Nick Naylor Merchant of Death. Nick Naylor protects the tobacco lobby do not want to smoke.? What? Cancer? Oh, Grandmas bull, the researchers did not prove the connection of cigarettes and cancer. What, another article on this was published in the journal American Beauty? You do not read Soviet newspapers before eating! How Soviet? What do you think its all red bastard spies entrenched in the wording, trying to fool you Finally, I got up to the most famous book by the American writer Christopher Buckley!. And believe me, he was fascinated by the beautiful, hilarious, cynical and ironic tone. In memory surfaced best stories of Roald Dahl and Buckley have wanted to name gentle misanthrope. The novel tells us the story of a difficult life of a representative of Public Relations of the tobacco corporations Nick Naylor. Then invited him on Oprah Winfrey debate with a teenager dying of cancer, at the evening show Larry King will have to listen to a death sentence on dial up in the studio. Somewhere between this and that, it is necessary to prove to everyone that Vermont cheddar cheese is much more dangerous smoking and bribe the chief enemy so elegant, so he did not feel that he bought with giblets. Well, not yet, let them feel, for that Nick only need a couple of words. Nicks still young. Energetic staff and really loves his job. In addition, it is necessary to pay the mortgage. And because each rostrum he will shout about that smoking is above all: children, adolescents, pregnant. And he knows that he is hypocritical and blatantly lying. He likes it. And yet, despite the image of Nick Naylor, I painted here, the author refers to it with much more love. And for the whole affair and there is no feeling of hatred for the main character. On the contrary, he seems like a very nice guy, we would be glad maybe even make friends with him? The abundance of bright, interesting, convex characters (which is only merchant of death squad Nick and his two friends the major PR people from the lobby of alcohol and weapons) delivers a separate pleasure from books. And even a little sugary happy ending (this term is more than appropriate, since prose Buckley very cinematic, and the novel Thank You for Smoking, filmed in 2005) it looks quite organically, though it is in two ways: it is, in some -So easy mockery.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Free Essays on Barren Women

, and broke covenant after covenant with him. God may have been testing these women and their husbands before giving them such an important child to see if they were righteous. By testing I mean putting them in a state of dispair and waiting to see if they would remain faithful and keep his covenants. After going through such torment without wavering in spirit, He would then know that they were worthy of the blessing that would be bestowed upon them. The f... Free Essays on Barren Women Free Essays on Barren Women Throughout the Bible, there is an interesting pattern that is of great significance. Many times a woman who was formerly barren was given the gift of conception from God through a strong faith in him. This theme plays a major role in the history of the Israelites, and these births serve a special purpose in God’s plan and in conveying his message. The unusual circumstances of these births are signs of the great importance that person will play later in their lives for the people of Israel (1 Samuel footnotes). This pattern exists with the conceptions of Isaac, Esau and Jacob, Joseph, Samson, and Samuel. Not only are barren women given the ability to give birth, but also in the New Testament the birth of Jesus is allowed to happen to a virgin. The possible reasons for these unlikely births are many. It is important to not only define the pattern, but to understand how each piece of the puzzle fits into that pattern and possible reasons for this. In the writings that make up the context of the Old and New Testament of the Bible, God is portrayed as having amazing powers. Those powers that he possesses are displayed so that the Jews know that they are his chosen people and that he is more powerful than any other god, and also so that they, in turn, will worship him and follow his covenant. However, there are many times were his people disappoint him. Beginning with Adam and Eve, the very first two people on earth, man has disappointed him, lied to him, ignored his words, and broke covenant after covenant with him. God may have been testing these women and their husbands before giving them such an important child to see if they were righteous. By testing I mean putting them in a state of dispair and waiting to see if they would remain faithful and keep his covenants. After going through such torment without wavering in spirit, He would then know that they were worthy of the blessing that would be bestowed upon them. The f...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Understand the Nature of Business Communication and How to Plan For It Assignment

Understand the Nature of Business Communication and How to Plan For It - Assignment Example Understand the Nature of Business Communication and How to Plan For It The primary emphasis has been allocated towards broadening the perspective of the acquiring company along with facilitating the company with the need for including non-financial components in the analysis such as meetings with IT system, manufacturing, distribution and marketing. It would further assist the acquiring company to have a proper understanding of the implications of the post integration needs as well as outcomes. Essentially, the prime focus has been placed on drawing out means and solutions for successful acquisition deal. Furthermore, the efforts have been concentrated on the transition along with identifying the ways to enhance cooperation between the two companies and working out the acquisition issues and concerns. With respect to the case, it has been recommended that the acquiring company should operate as a separate business as far as the integration of IT system is concerned. This is due to the reason that the analysis of the IT system in both the companies revea led that both the companies have different IT settings which make it harder for the acquiring company to integrate the IT system efficiently. Furthermore, it would require a lot of expenditure for the acquiring company to integrate the IT system. The integration of IT system will also be time consuming which will hinder the overall operations of both business organizations. Thus, it would be appropriate for the acquiring company to operate as a separate business entity in order to eliminate any possible hindrances arising due to the integration of IT system (Wickham & Wickham, 2008). With respect to the aspect manufacturing, it is suggested that the acquiring company should merge its all functionality as both the companies are engaged in manufacturing similar products and have similar product line. It has been ascertained from the secondary research conducted about both the companies related with the products that they manufactured. Additionally, merging its all the functionality wi ll enable the acquiring company to meet the requirements of its customers without any changes in the product line and without any additional costs as both the companies are engaged in the manufacturing of similar kinds of products. It will further facilitate the acquiring company to engage in mass production of products as well as integration of machinery. Moreover, it will reduce the costs associated with the manufacturing of products thereby promoting economies of scale for the acquiring company. It will also facilitate in acquiring trained employees and expertise with minimum cost and expenditure followed by increasing operational efficiencies. This will also reduce the hiring costs associated with the recruitment of new employees. Correspondingly, merging all the functional units of the acquiring company will unarguably enable both the companies to eliminate any possible flaws in their production and manufacturing process (Wickham & Wickham, 2008). In relation to distribution, i t is recommended after conducting secondary research that the acquiring company should merge nothing. It is due to the reason that the fleet of trucks owned by the soft candy company was not refrigerated and this fleet of trucks could not be used during the hot temperature months for distributing candies and cookies which contained chocolates. This

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Assessing Economic Performance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Assessing Economic Performance - Essay Example This comparison will utilize resources provided by the Central Intelligence Agency websites (CIA). America has the greatest GDP globally. The American GDP is about twelve trillion dollars. America’s economy is highly diversified, and it relies on technological advancements to generate such a massive output. For a nation to generate such a GDP, it must add value to its products. A skilled labour force complements America’s enormous resources, which ensures efficient production. Similarly, India has massive resources such iron and rubber. Such natural resources have made manufacturing a key driver of this country’s economy. The enormous demography has provided ready consumption and cheap workforce. The GDP of India is about 3 trillion. The technological advancements in America have altered communication in a phenomenal manner. The advancements have transformed the manner in which the world conducts business culminating in the emergence of E-commerce. India’s technological advancement is average since most of its economy depends on manufacturing and expor tation of raw materials. However, the nation is integrating the recent advancements in technology rapidly to ensure that it increases value addition in its production (Central Intelligence Agency, 2012). America’s economy is stagnating owing to the current recession. Thus, the economy is experiencing negative growth despite the concerted efforts to stimulate it. The efforts have included stimulus packages and deficit budgets that ought to boost spending among the citizenry. The recession resulted from malpractices in the banking and insurance sector that culminated in failure of numerous firms. Conversely, India’s economy is performing strongly despite the receding global economy. This owes to local consumption and adoption of appropriate policies. The astute policies have provided an appropriate platform for the

Sunday, November 17, 2019

How Businessman Rides Out Despite the Extreme Challenges Essay

How Businessman Rides Out Despite the Extreme Challenges - Essay Example It is very interesting to know how these businessmen were able to make it through and ride out despite the extreme challenges that he had to contend with. In addition, these two executives belong to the same family such that they are siblings; hence, it would also be interesting to learn how family relations affect the business as a whole. Me: How did you get into this business? Sir Smith: My father was a farmer. I was the eldest child in the family so I was early exposed to life on the farm. In college, I went to the Colorado State University where I majored in Agricultural Engineering and graduated in 1977. So, I can fairly say that I have a very good background in agricultural stuff. The decision to engage in this kind of business was mostly rooted from self-realization that as a man who grew up in a farm, I am one of those few who really knows what it takes to be successful in agricultural business. Eventually, in 1980, together with my siblings, I put up my own agricultural busi ness that I called Smith AgriPro. AgriPro stands for â€Å"agricultural procurement.† Ms. Ada Smith-Rogers: He and I are poles apart. He is the eldest while I am the youngest child in the family. Aside from the fact that we grew up on the farm, I was never really interested in agricultural stuff. What I am interested in is doing business. Generally, I oversee the overall completion of the operation in all the divisions of the company. So, the biggest highlight of my position, perhaps, would be the opportunity to witness the growth of the company since its birth. I always make the final decision and so my decisions determine where the company would be in several years. As President and CEO, your every move should be a calculated risk. Fortunately, for me, with the help of my subordinates, I was able to clearly evaluate the company’s annual performance since 1980, and through this careful evaluation, I was able to venture in proliferating the company in various locations within the county. Ms. Smith-Rogers: I feel probably the same pressure as he [Sir Smith] feels in running and managing this company. As Executive Vice President, I also assume duties and responsibilities that the president and CEO have. I am responsible for the maximization of the overall operating performance of the company and in the attainment of our company’s financial objectives. I supervise the human resource department, finance department, business development, and of course, communicating with the board of directors. The highlight of my position was probably that time when the company is already making its spot in the agricultural industry, surpassing many giant companies. The company needed more workers so as the Executive Vice President, I had to carry out recruitment strategies that would attract highly talented and intelligent workers from all over the state. Gladly, I was successful at doing that. The company was able to acquire the ideal number of workers for i ts various operations.  

Friday, November 15, 2019

The Computer Resource Management System

The Computer Resource Management System A Computer Resource Management System is used to get up to date information of all the computer resources in an organization. It is basically a management and informative system. This system helps the organization to overcome the complexity in tracing out all the computer resources of the organization by presenting customised reports, there by helps in effective and timely utilization of hardware and software resources. Computer Resource Management System uses the Enterprise JavaBeans Version 1.1; its the component model for the enterprise applications. Enterprise JavaBeans combines server-side components with distributed object technologies such as Java RMI to greatly simplify the task of application development. The EJB automatically takes into account many of the requirements of business systems: security, resource pooling, persistence, concurrency and transactional integrity. One of javas most important features is platform independence. Since it was released, Java has been marketed as write once, run anywhere. Enterprise JavaBeans is not only platform independent -its also implementation independent. Its like JDBC API runs on a Windows machine or on a Unix machine, it can access any vendors relational database that has a JDBC driver. Ideally, an Enterprise JavaBeans component, an enterprise bean, can run in any application server that implements the Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) specification. That is we can develop and deploy EJB business system in one server, such as BEAs Web logic and later move it to a different EJB server, such as IBMs Web Sphere or Gemstone/J. Implementation independence means that business components are not dependent on the brand of server. Computer Resource Management System uses Oracle 8i as the back-end RDBMS. Oracle 8i is actually a fully Internet supported database system. Oracle 8i perfectly handles the ACID Transactions. A transaction is the execution of a unit-of-work that accesses one or more shared resources, usually databases. A unit-of-work is a set of activities that relate to each other and must be completed together. The ACID properties are nothing but (Atomic Consistent Isolated Durable) properties A transaction to be atomic, it must execute completely or not at all. Consistency refers to the integrity of the underlying data store, consistency is ensured by seeing that a transaction is atomic, isolated and durable. Isolated refers to allowing a transaction to execute without interference from other processes or transactions, i.e., the data that a transaction accesses cannot be affected by any other part of the system until the transaction or unit-of work is completed. Durability means that all the data changes made during the course of a transaction must be written to some type of physical storage before the transaction is successfully completed. This ensures that the changes are not lost if the system crashes. Apart from handling the ACID properties Oracle 8i has higher security level and web compatibility features. 2. Problems of Present System: As of now the resource management in SOFT PRO SYSTEMS LTD is done manually. If an employee intends to know the information regarding the resources pertaining to computers or components and their present and accurate information in the organization, as of now it is being done manually which consumes a great manpower and the process is time consuming. The problem of maintaining the bulk database can be solved by atomizing the resources in the organization, which can be of great help to all the administrators, employee and the management members. Some of the frequent occurring problems in the present manual system are as follows: Finding the current status or position of a component in the organization is a time-consuming process. The Manager has to wait for the manual reports from the development department to know the current status of the resources. In the present system there is no security for the details of the resources as any user who is not authenticated to view the records may see them. To view the details of a computer and to know what are the components that are assigned to it, can be done only by a manual checking of that computer for the hardware and software components is a tedious process. The users of the organization require various reports to be generated in an easy format, which is not so easy when done manually. The Manager may get problems in finding out a user details in hundreds of records. 2.1 Need For Computerization: Maintaining the information regarding all employees, components and computers at single or multiple locations give rise to many problems like: Difficulty in retrieval of data in desired manner. Checking the uniqueness wherever it is required. Availability of information in this manner is subjected to damage. Providing security is also difficult. One way to overcome all these difficulties is to store all the information in the computer. The computerization helps the users a lot. The user can get information in desired manner. Data retrieval is also easy and fast. This also restricts the users to enter invalid data and reduces the burden on the user. 2.2 Benefits of Computerisation: A computer based information system is usually needed for the following purposes. Greater Processing Speed: Using computers inherent ability to calculate, sort; retrieve data with greater speed than that of the human doing and can get results in less time. Visual Basic guaranties for the faster query processing thus we are satisfied with Visual Basic itself supporting in this direction. Better Accuracy and Improved Consistency: The computer carries out computing steps including arithmetic accurately and consistently from which really human is escaped which yields more fatigue and boredom. Cost Reduction: Using computerization we can do the required operations with lower cost than any other methods. Hence by computerization we can reduce the cost drastically. 3. Modules of CRMS: Of course there are many other systems which can maintain all the resources of the company, but there are some defects and difficulties in those systems regarding security and HR dependent issues. The Computer Resource Management System mainly consists of 6 modules and a brief explanation of those is given below. (Overview of Metadata Annotations and EJB 3.0 Bean Files, 2009) 1 Components: Each and every component that is either related to software or hardware will be assigned with a unique number and entered in to a folder or shelf. Whatever goes out will be deducted from the shelf and must be entered either to bin, recycle bin or to a computer. For every component appropriate entry should be made. 2 Computers: Computers will be assembled using the shelf parts. Every computer should be given a unique number. The details of the computer will be entered including its hardware and software profiles with their parts. The computers may be servers, standalones and clients etc. 3 Bin: The damaged components, which are not repairable or replaceable, will be sent to this bin. 4 Recycle Bin: The repairable and replaceable parts will be kept here. A time report is given like when a part is submitted for repairs or replacement and expected back time and able to give warnings of delays etc. 5 Status: The status gives the statistics of the shelf, bin, recycle bin, computers. The status gives the present position of the component where it is situated in the organization. Basing on the status the components are used in different transactions. 6. Search / View: The users can search or view the information of different resources based on their unique number given to them. The proposed system will be designed by using Java beans as front end and Oracle 8i as RDBMS of the system that is oracle as back end of the system. Hyper text mark-up language is used to hyper text the information which can be moved from one platform to other, and JDBC concepts will be used. 4. Analysis of the Project: System Planning is one of the important items to be considered before actually beginning the project. Planning is performed on the issues like defining Life Cycle Model and an organizational structure project, configuration management, quality and validation activities. In the process of the System Planning various phase-dependent tools, techniques and notations are determined. Preliminary cost estimates for the system development and preliminary development schedules are established. Preliminary estimates of the computing resources required to operate and maintain the system are developed, glossary of terms are prepared. 4.1 Information Gathering: Information relevant to the Computer Resource Management System of Laila Infotech is collected from the Laila Infotech Limited and the finance department of the company. The information regarding company activities is gathered from the companys website 4.2 Feasibility Study: An initial investigation culminates in a proposal that determines whether an alternative system is feasible than the present candidate system. To do feasible study we have to do Economic, Technical, Behavioural feasible studies. 4.2.1 Economic Feasibility: It is the most frequently used method for evaluating the effectiveness of a system. It is also called as cost/benefit analysis. In this project Computer Resource Management System, for the development of the candidate system the costs that have to spend is the computer resources like the required software and hardware that supports the software in an effective and efficient manner and the money to be paid to the developers. As the company itself is a development centre all the resources are in the company itself and no extra cost are spent for Computer Resource Management System. Hence our candidate system production is economically feasible. 4.2.2 Technical Feasibility: Technical feasibility centres on the existing computer system (software/hardware) configuration and good software facilities in such a way that any new candidate system can be implemented without a large alteration of the lab nut with slight modification of the existing system. Hence our candidate system production is technically feasible. 4.2.3 Behavioural Feasibility: People are inherently resistant to change. Our candidate system is developed in such a way that it is very user friendly, easy to learn how to work with and there is also not much resistant to this package from the staff side also. As the company is basically a development centre it will be very easy for the employees of the company to learn about the developed candidate system. Hence our candidate system production is behaviourally feasible. 5. Conclusion: This project aimed at developing a Computer Resource Management System (CRMS) is a total management and informative system, where up-to date information of all the computer resources in the company can be provided. It helps the companies to overcome the difficulties in tracking the resources of the company by presenting customized reports, which helps the company to effectively and timely utilise hardware and software resources. References: David Austin., (2000), Using Oracle8, Eastern Economic Edition, 2000 Edition. Overview of Metadata Annotations and EJB 3.0 Bean Files, Retrieved march 15, 2009 from Patrick Naughton., and Herbert Schildt., (1999),The Complete Reference Java 2, TATA McGRAW-HILL., 1999 Edition. Pressman, R., S., Software Engineering: A Practitioners Approach, seventh edition, Retrieved 06 march, 2009 from Roman, Ed.,(1999), Mastering Enterprise Java Beans and the Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition, WILEY., 1999 Edition. Tom Valesky., (2000), Enterprise JavaBeans, Pearson Education Asia, 2000 Edition. Project proposal: 1. Introduction: A Computer Resource Management System (CRMS) is used to get up to date information of all the computer resources in an organization. It is basically a management and informative system. This system helps the organization to overcome the complexity in tracing out all the computer resources of the organization by presenting customised reports, there by helps in effective and timely utilization of hardware and software resources. A transaction to be atomic, it must execute completely or not at all. Consistency refers to the integrity of the underlying data store, consistency is ensured by seeing that a transaction is atomic, isolated and durable. Isolated refers to allowing a transaction to execute without interference from other processes or transactions, i.e., the data that a transaction accesses cannot be affected by any other part of the system until the transaction or unit-of work is completed. Durability means that all the data changes made during the course of a transaction must be written to some type of physical storage before the transaction is successfully completed. This ensures that the changes are not lost if the system crashes. Apart from handling the ACID properties Oracle 8i has higher security level and web compatibility features. 2. Background of the project: The purpose of proposed system is to provide a computer based system which can manage total resources of an organization. In previous systems the resource management was done manually, which wastes so much of time and the man power. The most important thing is the lack of security in previous resource management system. The atomized management system is efficient enough to maintain the resources. The development of the proposed system is needed for so many reasons such as security aspects, ease of use for the employees of organization. The disadvantages of the paper based or existing system can be rectified by implementing the proposed system. The disadvantages of paper based system are mentioned below: Finding the information about a component in the system is difficult and time taking course of action. In the existing system any user, who is not authenticated can also view the information and change it, which leads to poor design and implementation of the total system. A lot of manual work is required in finding and generating the reports about various sections in the organization, because of this work people can become irritate and get bored of doing the work. The employees of the organization must produce the reports in a simple and understanding way, generating of such reports is not that easy to do. Authentication of a user cannot be given in the existing system, and there is so much difficulty in taking out and recovery of data in a preferred manner. The present system is going to provide the security to the database, and atomizing the system to manage the resources in the organization by using the enterprise java beans, oracle 8i as front end and back end of the system. To develop this system a good knowledge about life cycle model of software development, different functions of the organization and about marketing strategies is required. The knowledge of various reports that are to be generated which are helpful to different branches in the organization is required. In the development of the proposed system the different phase dependent tools, methods and document specifications are determined. (Roman, 2002) 3. Aims and objectives: Aim: To design an automated computer based system and to get up-to-date information about components which helps organizations to conquer the complexity in tracking all the resources of the company by generating reports that are more easily understandable and to improve security for database. It provides proper initiatives and approaches that need to be undertaken, thereby avoiding the huge cost of implementing a new system or by simply adapting to one currently deployed. Objectives: The main objectives of this study are as follows: The main objective of Computer Resource Management System is to provide an automated system to maintain the resources of the company. To provide a user friendly and multi-user interface for handling the application. To provide a user authentication and different interface depending upon the type of user logged in. To provide maximum level of security for the data. To provide the necessary reports to various users in time. 4. Intellectual challenge: 4.1 System Architecture: 4.1.1 Physical Architecture Model: 4.1.2 Layered Architecture: Database Layer Contains the data and database-related objects like stored procedures, triggers, packages, etc. Application Layer Contains the objects addressing the business logic; Most of the middle-level Java objects will be here in application layer. Web Interface Layer It will be on the web server; It contains the web pages (JSPs) of the application which will interact with the front-end browsers Client Layer Contains the web browser which interacts with web server 4.2 DATAFLOW DIAGRAM: LocID 1 User Authentication USER ID AND PASSWORD Location User Profile Users 2 Master Administrator Setup 5 Normal User Setup 3 Hardware Administrator Setup 4 Purchase Manager Setup 4.3 System Design: SYSTEM DESIGN phase follows system analysis phase. Design is maintaining a record proof design division and providing a blueprint for the implementation phase. Design is the bridge between system analysis and system implementation. System design is transition from a user oriented, document oriented to programmers or database personnel. The design is a solution, a how to approach to the creation a new system. This is composed of several steps. It provides the understanding and procedural details necessary for implementing the system recommended in the feasibility study. Design goes through logical and physical stages of development, logical design reviews the present physical system, prepare input and output specifications, detail the implementation plan, and prepare a logical design walkthrough. (Dennis, A. Wixom, B. H. (2000)) The database tables are designed by analyzing various functions involved in the system and the format of the fields is also designed. The fields in the database table should define their role in the system. The unnecessary fields should be avoided because it affects the storage areas of the system. Care is to be taken to encode the lengthy names. Then in the input and the output screen design, the design should be made user friendly. The menu should be precise and compact. 4.3.1 Objectives of Design System design is like a blue print for a building, it specifies all the features that are to be in the finished product. Design states how to accomplish objectives determined in the analysis phase. Logical Design The design of an information system produces the details that state how a system will meet the requirements identified during systems analysis. This stage is login design. Physical Design The process of developing program software is referred to as physical design. In this stage the logical design elements are specified which support the business activities. The physical design ensures the system features to meet the user requirements. 5. Schedule: The above mentioned project is said to be start in March 2010 and ends on September 2010. The total duration required to develop the system is 5 months. Task no. Description Duration 1 Collect the information about the current project and conduct research to know about the previously implemented systems in various organizations 3 weeks 2 Studying the technologies used in developing the proposed project 2 weeks 4 Analyzing the outcomes of the project and draw a flowchart for the modules to be developed 2 weeks 5 Designing the typical architecture of the project and steps involved in it 2 weeks 6 Developing the project code based on the architecture and requirements 2 weeks 7 Testing and validating the designed system 2 weeks 8 Writing guidelines for end users 1 week 9 Preparing the final report of the proposed system 2 weeks 10 Possible amendments and closing up everything into a report 4 days 11 Final submission 1 day 6. Deliverables: The final result of this project is as follows. Ordinary users can do the simple operations like searching, viewing the components by some key words. Any changes in the all modules, like deleting the components, adding components will be done by master administrator, and he will be having total permissions to do any changes or modifications to the database. By using the up-to date information various reports will be generated in less time. Maximum security of database will be achieved. Atomization of system will be done and the system will become user friendly and multi user interface. Provides good trust among the customers. 7. Resources: The resources required can be summed up as: Accessing the IEEE explorer technical papers from the university library. Latest technical papers and journals about HTML, Java, Oracle 8i, and design implementations. Database system management text books to know how to implement tables in the system. Books on current trends in CRMS Collections of Library Resources and Archives Real time assessment of an online business retailer to know the current trends involved. 8. Requirements: Software and hardware: Operating System: Windows NT98 Web Server: Server side Application Software: Java Server Pages (JSP) Business Logic Software: Enterprise Java Beans. (EJB) Client Side Application Software: Java Script, HTML Data Base: Oracle 8i Client Browsers: Internet Explorer 5.0 or Netscape Navigator 4.7 Dream Weaver 3.0/JRUN4.0s Hardware: Pentium PCs with 128 MB RAM/ 20 GB HDD.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Business and People Management Test

All of the following are examples of downward communication flows except managers pointing out problems that need attention employees completing attitude surveys managers telling employees to work more quickly managers informing employees of procedures managers assigning goals 2 points Question 2 are indicators of a strong organizational culture. Widely shared values Completely horizontal organizational charts Weak managers Narrowly defined roles Question 3 1 .Consequences of stress can surface as physiological behavioral psychological all of the above none of the above Question 4 symptoms. 1 . All of the following are characteristics of the organic model except employee empowerment arrow spans of control cross-functional teams cross-hierarchical teams flatness Question 5 1 . A plant manager who organizes the plant by separating engineering, accounting, manufacturing, personnel, and purchasing into departments is practicing differentiations. Reduce functional geographic graphic targe t customer Question 6 1 . The traditional view of conflict is the belief that conflict is neutral necessary situational-dependent natural harmful Question 7 1 . According to the Ohio State studies, the extent to which a leader's behavior is erected toward getting the Job done is called minimization consideration path-goal initiating structure Question 8 1 . Which tactic for overcoming resistance to change basically assumes that the source of resistance lies in misinformation? Caching and advancement education and communication occupation and manipulation training and development facilitation and support Question 9 1 . The approach to evaluation that uses feedback from those who have daily contact with an employee (everyone from mailbox personnel to customers to bosses to peers) is termed 360-degree evaluation radical incidents M BAA BARS Question 10 1. Research indicates that poor of interpersonal conflict. Communication motivation training hygiene leadership Question 11 is probably the most frequently cited source 1 .Honesty is absolutely essential to leadership. True False Question 12 1 . Which one of the following is not one of the primary ways to group Jobs? Process personality customer function Question 13 1 . Angelina feels that her cubicle neighbor talks too loudly on the phone, but in other ways she is a great neighbor. Angelina gets annoyed every time her neighbor's phone inns, but she has decided it's simply not worth the trouble to talk to her neighbor. Angelica's conflict intention is called resisting competing avoiding collaborating compromising Question 14 1 .Legitimate power is based on positive rewards expert knowledge interpersonal trust structural position respect and admiration Question 15 1 . The step in the action research process where information is gathered about prognosis evaluation diagnosis feedback action Question 16 1 . The text implies that the type of leader likely to have the most profound effect on his or her followers is the r eenactments educational transformational transactional actuarial Question 17 leader. 1 .Transformational leadership is built on top of transactional leadership. Question 18 1. A leader high in initiating structure would do which of the following? Assign group members to particular tasks seek consensus empower employees to make their own decisions exhibit laissez-fairer type of leadership Question 19 1 . All of the following are factors that serve to sustain organizational cultures except colonization top management selection frugality orientation Question 20 1 .Diversity training programs are generally intended to provide a vehicle for socializing otherwise unmanageable employees balancing work/life conflicts increasing awareness and examining stereotypes eliminating group learning Question 21 1. The unstructured interview is typically biased often only modestly related to future Job performance usually made up of random questions Question 22 1 . Who developed a three-step model for change that included unfreezing, movement, and refreezing? David McClellan John Cotter Lawrence Summers Douglas Usurer Kurt Lenin Question 23 .Electronic mail is the ideal method for conveying messages that might evoke emotional responses. True Question 24 1 . When a manager is evaluated on the degree to which he or she â€Å"has a good attitude,† the evaluation criterion being used is behaviors. True Question 25 1 . According to the Ohio State studies, the extent to which a leader is likely to have job relationships characterized by mutual trust and respect for his/her employees is consensus-building matrix LAP Question 26 conflict hinders group performance. Formal Functional Reactive Informal Dysfunctional

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Organizational Needs Essay

The success of any business or any organization basically depends on proper planning and proper utilization of its resources. It is true that success dose not comes overnight, a need for assessing; exploring is required to be done. After planning, there comes the step of communication. The quality of communication determines the extent of the success of a business. In order to make communication effective career development programs are introduced to the employee by the organization. The basic aim of this kind of career development program is to make an individual employee give in his best to the company thus, maximizing profits. Although these programs were not really liked by some of the organizations. And were regarded as cost oriented, but with times as the result was good, people recognized its importance. â€Å"A needs assessment is a systematic exploration of the way things are and the way they should be†. As Gutteridge says that career development is not only the development of an individual but also the development of the management as a whole. It is equally essential, to know what learning will be accomplished, what changes in an individual’s performance are expected, what are the expected economic costs what will be the result, and after how much time will the target be achieved. Main Aim of Organizations As we know that the main aim of any origination or any business done is to get maximum profits. It is the same way in order to achieve the target. A lot of hard work has to be done, like conduction of career development programs. Knowdell (1982 – 1984) traced the origin of career developmental programs. This would of course enhance their abilities of the employees as we know that â€Å"a career development system with in a business is an organized formalized, planned effort to achieve a balance between the individuals. † With the help of these career program employees and managers know about their potentials and weaknesses, they come to know how to manage their own careers and this way feel more confident and responsible about themselves. A career developmental program should be based on: Check Actual Performance The very first step should be to check and analyze the present abilities of the employees and of course the current satiation of the organization in which it is running. After the analyses of the current situation have been made we could them go on to focus on our desired goal. By the help of the information gained on the abilities and on the capabilities of the employees we could by the help of counselors could guide an individual employee, on what particular part. He basically has got to focus. This practice may take time but with time slowly and gradually every individual employee would to his organization. It is very crucial that one must distinguish the actual needs from the perceived needs. It is true that with proper training, guidance and of course not to forget full cooperation of the employee, the target of maximums profits would be achieved. An individual should work harder on his weak points and should strive to develop his stronger ones. Set Priorities After analyzing an individual or the employee’s strengths and weaknesses we could know what kind of training is needed by an individual. What time, money should be allocated on him. One thing which should be kept in mind is the organizational needs goals and realities. The employee who is under training should set priorities that is, on which area he should work first, as per the need of his organization. If all these matter would be taken into consideration then without any doubt he would develop himself his abilities, his sense of responsibility, knowledge, skill and would accomplish his goals. Identify Problem Areas In this step we would identify those areas in which working have got to be done. After the problem is identified specific solution has to be applied. This will of course require detailed investigation and analysis. Identify Appropriate Solutions In this last step after solution have been applied to the specific problems, still as it is there is more room for improvement. It is important to move people into new direct to explore more and to improve. There are specific research centers like â€Å"the society’s career development program provides awards intended to meet the specific needs of investigators at different states in their research careers†. Thus, a lot of encouragement is given to all those people under training, so as to encourage them get good results. Essential Components The oxford English dictionary says One’s careers are one’s course or progress through life. This basically means that as an individual keeps on progressing and making himself better, through gaining more knowledge and information he keeps on improving with time and practice to improve there are self development tools. Self Assessment Know body know you as well as you know yourself. So as it is that the person under training should assess himself that what kind of training he should take or what kind of training would help to make his career develop and prosper. He should take care of his weak points and should develop his strengths. It is very curtail that counseling should be done by an expert advisor to the trainee. This way the trainee would be sure as to which way he has to go. There are also internal labor marketing and many more components. Pro and Cons There are advantages as well as certain disadvantages of getting into career programming. The good points are that after a certain period of time with a lot of hard work and labor the organization would gain good profits. There are certain disadvantages as well like it is very. Time consuming; it involves a lot of time, labor and money which would otherwise be spent elsewhere in the company. Conclusion There is a well enough connection between the organizational development and career development. As we know that a lot of individuals make is going to go under training gains knowledge develop his skill and abilities. Eventually he would perform well in that organization and because of him the company would make a lot of profits there he would certainly be rewarded. Thus his way he would also develop his career and this would certainly be a good start in his life. Reference

Friday, November 8, 2019

expanding universe essays

expanding universe essays Compare and Contrast the formation of the Universe and Solar System The two most common beliefs of the formation of the Universe and Solar System are The Expanding Universe Theory and The Big Bang. There are some comparisons between the two and some contrasts. Almost all astronomers believe that the universe is expanding although they may have different theories on how this is happening. The Expanding Universe Theory is based on the Doppler Effect, the redshift of different galaxies and the assumption of the Hubble Law. The Doppler effect occurs when a wave-emmitting object moves toward or away from an observer and the sound has a change in pitch as the object continues to move. For example the sound a police car siren when it comes from behind and passes you. The redshift of different galaxies is the change or shift in the light radiated by an object such as a star of galaxy that indicates the objects motion. Scientists have used redshifts to measure the speed and direction of distant galaxies. The Hubble law showed that the further away the galaxies were the higher the redshift was, that means the more distant galaxies were moving away at a much faster velocity than those closer to us. The Expanding Universe theory is merely an assumption by astronomers that all the galaxies in the universe are moving away from the earth. The more distant the galaxy the faster it s moving away from us. According to the Big Bang theory a gigantic explosion created the universe billions of years ago. It appeared that the universe we now see could be the remnants of an enormous explosion of the distant past. Many discrepancies between observations and the theory have appeared, each requiring alteratio Compare and Contrast the formation of the Universe and Solar System The two most common beliefs of the formation of the Universe and Solar System are The Expanding Universe Theory and The Big Bang. There are some compari ...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Nasa essays

Nasa essays For many years NASA has been dedicated to developing knowledge with the red planet, Mars. Many missions have been conducted by NASA to learn about Mars. Some aims of these missions have been carried out to learn about whether water exists on this planet, or whether life can survive under its harsh conditions. Through its researches on the red planet, NASA has been developing ways to build a future for the people of the world. NASA, which stands for National Aeronautics and Space Administration, began in the year 1958 on October 1, as a result of the Sputnik crisis of confidence. Throughout the years since its starts, NASA has been making history through such space and technological achievements as putting a man on the moon, through aeronautics, space science, and space applications. Out of all the planets in the solar system, Mars resembles the Earth more than any other planet. This closeness between these two planets is a reason for NASA's high interest toward Mars. Comparisons between Earth and Mars include the average distance from the sun; Mars is 142 million miles from the sun, less than twice of the Earth's distance from the sun, 93 million miles. The Earth's diameter is just a few thousand more miles greater in diameter than Mars; the Earth's being 7, 926 miles while Mars has 4, 220. The length of the years differ greatly between the two in the length of years, the Earth has 365 days while Mars takes 687 Earth days to orbit the sun. Since Mars is further than Earth from the sun, the temperatures differ also. Mars' temperature averages -81 degrees Fahrenheit, and the Earth's average temperature is 57 degrees Fahrenheit. Mars and Earth seem to have large differences but Earth would have much larger differences if compared to any other planet. There have been several missions performed by NASA in search of discovering new details about Mars. One of these missions includes the Mariner 9 mission, launched on May 1971. The ob...

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Importance of Play Pedagogy in the Curriculum for Young Children's Essay

Importance of Play Pedagogy in the Curriculum for Young Children's Learning and Development - Essay Example r hand is a preset framework that outlines all what learners should be taught the quality and to some extent the methods that should be used, it however provides allowance for the teacher to act flexible based on the education setting or context. Most definitions of play tend to emphasize on the fact that it is a non-serious activity done for enjoyment especially for children, bearing this general definition in mind, one immediately sees why the idea of uniting it to pedagogy and curriculum would be a challenge to many. Pedagogy is seen as a formal and serious construct and there traditional schools f though imagined that the only rile lay would serve in pedagogy was disruptive as opposed to constructive. Therefore this ensured that play was separated from the curriculum and by extension pedagogy, however studies by constructivists such as Vygostky and Piaget have in the past few decades revolutionize this perception. Background Archaeological and anthropological records show evidenc e of the presence of play, dating back to the prehistoric times, since in various sites, archaeologist have discovered several items that are attributed to a playful human history. This evidence includes dice gaming sticks and bones all, which can be traced as far back to the Palaeolithic era (Fox 1977). Excavations in countries like China have discovered miniature metal and clay toys that are presumed to have been used by children, in addition there in the Egyptian temples there are drawings of adults and children actively engaged in play. Historical and anthropological studies in to the nature of the European childhood have revealed that like today, the classical Greek and roman cultures valued play and comparative analysis indicate that much of what is practiced today evolved from the ex... This paper stresses that role play in pedagogy has radically changed and diversified over time and there is little doubt that it will continue to do so in posterity. However it remains a serious challenge for anyone to make a definitive prediction of the future of the construct owing to the extensive differences in the implementation and integration of play in curriculum. For one despite policy regarding EYFE, many teacher do not spend as much time as they should assisting or supervising play because they fear, rightfully so, that it will negatively affect the measurable output form their learner which in the paper grades. This report makes a conclusion that while there are those who hold that didactic learning is more important than play, empirical and theoretical knowledge proves beyond any doubt that children benefit a great deal from play especially when applied creatively by the teacher. An examination of the various types of play reveals that from the time they are born a child will try to engage in some sort of play and it is through such activity that they interact with the world and independently develop, social, cognitive intellectual and other skills. Therefore it is essential that institutions and individual engaged in pedagogy take to consideration the benefits of play and create time space and opportunity for children to play since in the long run, they will be better students and more balanced in terms of social cognitive advancement if they have ample chances to play as opposed to being continuously drilled.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Economy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Economy - Essay Example Even the full restoration in the standard of gold was not able to restore the monetary policy and financial crisis occurred in every single decade, which was in 1825, 1836, 1847, 1857 and in the year 1866. This disturbance in the financial system was due to the adoption of new rule which was motivated by the idea that monetary disturbance are due to the failure of the fluctuation of mixed currency (gold and paper) at the rate it would have. It was observed that the new rule implemented seemed to be misguiding. It evoked fear that maintaining the gold standards and converting the gold into bank note alone cannot establish monetary stability unless there is a limitation imposed in the creation of notes by the banks (Rules v. Discretion, 2011). Answer 2 Inflation targeting is the policy of the central bank in which the inflation rate is estimated by the bank and then this projected rate is made public by the bank. The actual inflation is then directed towards this targeted one by using the interest rates and other monetary tools. The inflation rate and the interest rate are inversely proportional to one another.Therefore the attempt of the central bank to change the interest rate is transparent because of inflation targeting. Taylor rule on the other hand refers to monetary rules which are followed by some of the central banks, such as the US Federal bank.It forecasts how much the nominal rate must be changed by the central in order to divert from the targeted inflation rate, the actual GDP and also from the potential GDP(HETZEL, 2000). This rule has more attraction than the â€Å"Inflation targeting† because it takes into account the deviation from the actual equilibrium level such as from full employment and the inflation rate which has an overall better effect on the economy. The Taylor rule also allows the interest rate to react with the variation in the output gap. Therefore the reaction in the output gap is the reaction in the nominal interest rate. T his allows the central bank to observe the output gap for targeting the inflation policies(Inflation Targeting vs Taylor Rule, 2013). Suggestion: Taylor rule has influenced the debate on monetary policies for the last two decades. Various suggestions are made by the Federal on the basis of the Taylor rule. Federal Open Market committee in suggested that by increasing the basis points to 150, the funds rate of the Federal may be increased up to 70 percent (ILBAS, 2013). MICROECONOMICS Answer1 The statement seemed reasonable; however the idea presented in the statement is vague. The statement can be considered true if the firm is defined in term of its owner. The shareholder of any firm would be pleased with increased dividend, they are aware of the fact that the increased dividend is directly related to the increased profitability of the firm. Shareholders sometimes prefer to sacrifice the short-term profit of the firm, so that the firm may work for the acquisition of the long-term p rofit. They may let go the short term dividend of the firm, so that they may earn the long term benefits. While defining the firm in terms of the manager (decision maker), the

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Why do legal professionals need to understand the elements of Essay

Why do legal professionals need to understand the elements of researching both primary and secondary sources - Essay Example These primary law of each of each system came from three sources which are the laws, cases and adjudications in the courts of the United States. The example of statutes are composed of the Constitution of the United States and the law passed in Congress. Example of cases on the other hand are opinions about jurisprudence issued by courts while adjudications are administrative agency materials (University of Cornell). Secondary sources are needed because they determine what law applies to the research. In essence, secondary sources are category of legal materials that is not considered primary source or information beyond the Constitution, laws and opinions of the court. The example of secondary sources could include but not limited to legal encyclopedias, treatises, legal periodicals and practice materials (University of Cornell). They may also include scientific journals and other research. Secondary sources are helpful materials that are a â€Å"rich source of citations† to the primary

Monday, October 28, 2019

Freud vs. Jung Essay Example for Free

Freud vs. Jung Essay Carl Jung met Freud in 1907 and the two men talked â€Å"virtually without a pause for thirteen hours† Each was captivated by the other’s genius and passionate interest in psychology, and they began a close correspondence in which they exchanged letters as often as three times a week. (Bridle, Edelstein 2010)Both men are famous psychoanalysts with unique approaches to personality. At one point they shared many of the same theories and had a deep friendship. However, Jung developed several new theories and disagreements with Freud. After years of friendship the pair parted in 1913. The three main areas of personality which Jung disagreed with Freud on was the role of sexuality, temporal forces that influence personality and the unconscious. My views are split with these two, I just believe that they had shared so much of the same beliefs but eventually they had to branch of in some way because that is how they get their recognition. Two powerful men in the field of psychology had to have a different view in order to fulfill their â€Å"ego. † The theories of Freud and Jung branched off from sexual to Jung’s analytical approach in a deeper meaning. Freud believed in Self awareness and Jung was more into self realization. In which Freud was more focused on the unconscious when Jung branched off into exploring more towards the conscious mind. Freud is known as the father of the unconscious and he developed psychotherapy along with the idea of the id, ego and superego. Jung accepted the idea of the unconscious but he elaborated it by labeling two levels: the personal and the collective unconscious. Jung also developed Analytical Psychology and the terms introvert and extrovert. Freud firmly rejected religion and Jung incorporated things like religion and art into his theory. Freud felt religion was an escape and a fallacy, which ought not to be propagated. His faith was fully in the minds ability to access its unconscious thoughts. Jung conversely believed that religion was an important place of safety for the individual as he or she began the process of individuation, exploring and accepting all parts of the self (wiseGeek, 2013). In 1914 Jung broke with Freud to develop his own school of psychology, which emphasized the interpretation of the psyche’s symbols from a universal mythological perspective rather than a personal biographical one. (Bridle, Edelstein, 2010) This is kind of where I broke up with Jung and his approach as well because I don’t really believe in the mythological perspective and I do think it is very complex and I believe it is just simpler then this. Although, some things I do agree with both Psychoanalysts and they did shape the way for others and also shaped the way for other approaches in the field. Like B. F. Skinner and Abraham Maslow. My favorite thing about Sigmund Freud is the Psychoanalysis. Which is Freud’s’ innovative treatment method in which the patient is encouraged to speak freely about memories, associations, fantasies and dreams and which relies on Freud’s theories of interpretation. (†¦Bridle, Edelstein, 2010)I love this because it is still used in the field of psychology and is actually relevant to my life because for my bipolar disorder and PTSD I use both medication and I talk to people using what is now called psychotherapy. It really does help in my case because talking to someone about my problems is just as helpful as the medication they give me to help me sleep and function in life. References wiseGEEK (2003-2013) www. wisegeek. com/what-are-the-primary-differences-between-freuds-and-jungs-theories-htm Was ist das Ich? Susan Bridle and Amy Edelstein 1991-2010, EnlightenNext magazine Http:www. enlightennext. org/magazine/j17/wasist. asp.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Mark Twains The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn :: Adventures Huckleberry Huck Finn Essays

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In the novel, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Huck Finn was the main character. The story was told through his eyes, and most of the events that took place happened around him.   But some of these events would not have happened without other main characters as well, like Jim, Tom Sawyer, the King, or the Duke.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Huck’s personality at the start of the novel had changed gradually throughout the novel and until the end.   At first, Miss Watson tried to make him pray for things but Huck did not believe in praying because it brought him bad luck.   Later in the novel, Huck tries to pray for forgiveness and wants to erase his sin for stealing a nigger.   After he prays, he feels he can pray openly now and will not sin anymore (CH. 31).   Huck was also superstitious and believed that everything that went wrong was because of certain things he did, like the snake in Jim’s blanket.   And everything was blamed on the bad luck Huck and Jim had.   Huck also became kind, especially after the quarrel with his father, pap.   He learned that in order to get along with people (like the king and duke), you have to let them have their way, and Huck did.    Jim, at first, was looked upon as just an ordinary nigger.   But Huck and Tom soon realized that he was very smart and had helped Huck through most of his adventures.   But as a nigger, Jim was looked up to as a hero to other niggers.   For instance, Huck tells the reader when niggers from all over the country came to see Jim and hear of his heroic stories and every nigger wanted to be like Jim.   Jim was also very superstitious, especially in chapter eight when Jim talks about all of his superstitions, like counting the things for dinner and telling the bees that their owner had just died.   All of this supposedly brought bad luck.   Ã‚   Tom Sawyer was also a very influential character to the story.   He was the one who came up with all the solutions for things, which eventually made more of a disaster.   But that is because he followed stories too much.   For instance, in chapter 35, Jim is captured and Tom tries the most original and hardest way to get him out, thus creating more of a catastrophe.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The renaissance period and ideologies

The renaissance period was highly influenced by artists who promoted religious ideologies. The word Renaissance in itself is means ‘rebirth' or ‘reconstruction'. It refers specifically to the revitalization of the early renaissance in Italy in the fourteenth century, which eventually spread to England in the sixteenth and further north in the seventeenth. Christianity was the leading religion at that period of time, artists such as Michelangelo, Leonardo and Raphael were part of the high renaissance period that spread between 1475 to 1525, Michelangelo painted theSistine chapel ceiling between 1508 and 1512, it was requested by pope Julius the second that Michelangelo would paint the ceiling of the chapel to help Rome rebuild its self to its former glory. One off the most famous sections of the Sistine chapel is the creation of Adam' it is thought to illustrate the narrative from the biblical book genesis in which god breaths life into Adam. This is an example of religiou s, and political ideologies, because the Pope Julius wanted the ceiling to promote Rome at that time and also to promote his own name, to make the rest of the world believe that he was superior to his rival Pope Alexander.It also promoted religious Ideologies by depicting one of the most Important scenes from Christianity; In painting this ceiling they were effectively advertising their own religious beliefs making others aware of their religion. During the renaissance period Musicians and artists were servants of the rich and would be employed by the church or a rich noble to glorify god, their religion or themselves. The church and the rich wanted these artists and musicians who earned their living through people like this to promote their Faith and to demonstrate how Important their religion was.This Is an example of how the church and the rich anted to use art to document or portray their Ideologies to the rest of society. Leonardo Dad Vine's Last Super This Is a late 15th centu ry mural by Dad Vulcan; the church commissioned him as part of their renovations to depict scenes from the bible. It depicts ‘The last super' one of the most Important and key scenes from Charlatanry. I believe that this Is a way that the church have used art to promote their religious beliefs, which Is In a way an Ideology of how they want everyone to believe the world came to existence. By philanthropy that he was superior to his rival Pope Alexander.It also promoted religious ideologies by depicting one of the most important scenes from Christianity; in painting this important their religion was. This is an example of how the church and the rich wanted to use art to document or portray their ideologies to the rest of society. This is a late 1 5th century mural by Dad Vinci; the church commissioned him as part the most important and key scenes from Christianity. I believe that this is a way that the church have used art to promote their religious beliefs, which is in a way a n ideology of how they want everyone to believe the world came to existence. The renaissance period and ideologies The renaissance period and ideologies The renaissance period was highly influenced by artists who promoted religious ideologies. The word Renaissance in itself is meaner ‘rebirth' or ‘reconstruction'. It refers specifically to the revitalization of the early renaissance in Italy in the fourteenth century, which eventually spread to England in the sixteenth and further north in the seventeenth. Christianity was the leading religion at that period of time, artists such as Michelangelo, Leonardo and Raphael were part of the high renaissance period that spread between 1475 to 1525, Michelangelo painted theSistine chapel ceiling between 1508 and 1512, it was requested by pope Julius the second that Michelangelo would paint the ceiling of the chapel to help Rome rebuild its self to its former glory. One off the most famous sections of the Sistine chapel is the creation of Adam' it is thought to illustrate the narrative from the biblical book genesis in which god breaths life in to Adam. This is an example of religious, and political ideologies, because the Pope Julius wanted the ceiling to promote Rome at that time and also to promote his own name, to make the rest of the world believe hat he was superior to his rival Pope Alexander.It also promoted religious ideologies by depicting one of the most important scenes from Christianity; in painting this ceiling they were effectively advertising their own religious beliefs making others aware of their religion. During the renaissance period Musicians and artists were servants of the rich and would be employed by the church or a rich noble to glorify god, their religion or themselves. The church and the rich wanted these artists and musicians who earned their living through people like this to promote their Faith and to demonstrate how important their religion was.This is an example of how the church and the rich wanted to use art to document or portray their ideologies to the rest of society. Leonardo Ad Vine' s Last Super This is a late 15th century mural by Ad Vinci; the church commissioned him as part of their renovations to depict scenes from the bible. It depicts ‘The last super' one of the most important and key scenes from Christianity. I believe that this is a way that the church have used art to promote their religious beliefs, which is in a way an ideology of how they want everyone to believe the world came to existence. By philanthropy

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Medical Education Essay

Working together as an interdisciplinary team, many highly trained health professionals besides medical practitioners are involved in the delivery of modern health care. Examples include: nurses, emergency medical technicians and paramedics, laboratory scientists, pharmacists, physician assistants, podiatrists physiotherapists, respiratory therapists,speech therapists, occupational therapists, radiographers, dietitians, and bioengineers. The scope and sciences underpinning human medicine overlap many other fields. Dentistry, while considered by some a separate discipline from medicine, is a medical field. A patient admitted to hospital is usually under the care of a specific team based on their main presenting problem, e.g., the Cardiology team, who then may interact with other specialties, e.g., surgical, radiology, to help diagnose or treat the main problem or any subsequent complications/developments. Physicians have many specializations and subspecializations into certain branches of medicine, which are listed below. There are variations from country to country regarding which specialties certain subspecialties are in. The main branches of medicine are: ââ€" ª Basic sciences of medicine; this is what every physician is educated in, and some return to in biomedical research. ââ€" ª Medical specialties ââ€" ª Interdisciplinary fields, where different medical specialties are mixed to function in certain occasions. [pic] ââ€" ª Anatomy is the study of the physical structure of organisms. In contrast to macroscopic or gross anatomy, cytology and histology are concerned with microscopic structures. ââ€" ª Biochemistry is the study of the chemistry taking place in living organisms, especially the structure and function of their chemical components. ââ€" ª Biomechanics is the study of the structure and function of biological systems by means of the methods of Mechanics. ââ€" ª Biostatistics is the application of statistics to biological fields in the broadest sense. A knowledge of biostatistics is essential in the planning, evaluation, and interpretation of medical research. It is also fundamental to epidemiology and evidence-based medicine. ââ€" ª Biophysics is an interdisciplinary science that uses the methods of physics and physical chemistry to study biological systems. ââ€" ª Cytology is the microscopic study of individual cells. ââ€" ª Embryology is the study of the early development of organisms. ââ€" ª Endocrinology is the study of hormones and their effect throughout the body of animals. ââ€" ª Epidemiology is the study of the demographics of disease processes, and includes, but is not limited to, the study of epidemics. ââ€" ª Genetics is the study of genes, and their role in biological inheritance. ââ€" ª Histology is the study of the structures of biological tissues by light microscopy, electron microscopy and immunohistochemistry. ââ€" ª Immunology is the study of the immune system, which includes the innate and adaptive immune system in humans, for example. ââ€" ª Medical physics is the study of the applications of physics principles in medicine. ââ€" ª Microbiology is the study of microorganisms, including protozoa, bacteria, fungi, and viruses. ââ€" ª Molecular biology is the study of molecular underpinnings of the process of replication, transcription and translation of the genetic material. ââ€" ª Neuroscience includes those disciplines of science that are related to the study of the nervous system. A main focus of neuroscience is the biology and physiology of the human brain and spinal cord. Some related clinical specialties include neurology, neurosurgery andpsychiatry. ââ€" ª Nutrition science (theoretical focus) and dietetics (practical focus) is the study of the relationship of food and drink to health and disease, especially in determining an optimal diet. Medical nutrition therapy is done by dietitians and is prescribed for diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, weight and eating disorders, allergies, malnutrition, and neoplastic diseases. ââ€" ª Pathology as a science is the study of disease—the causes, course, progression and resolution thereof. [pic] Ever wonder why physics is important in the field of medicine? Well, there are numerous reasons why it is very vital to this field. One reason is â€Å"medical physics†, it is one of the branches of physics. Medical physics is a branch of applied physics concerning the application ofphysics to medicine. It generally concerns physics as applied to medical imaging and radiotherapy. And what is medical imaging? Medical imaging refers to the techniques and processes used to create images of the human body (or parts thereof) for clinical purposes (medical procedures seeking to reveal,diagnose or examine disease) or medical science (including the study of normal anatomy and function. Under this are the following: – An MRI scan – Diagnostic radiology, including x-rays, fluoroscopy, mammography, Dual energy X-ray absorptiometry, angiography and Computed tomography – Ultrasound, including intravascular ultrasound – Non-ionising radiation (Lasers, Ultraviolet etc.) – Nuclear medicine, including SPECT and positron emission tomography (PET) – Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), including functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and other methods for functional neuroimaging of the brain. For example, nuclear magnetic resonance (often referred to as magnetic resonance imaging to avoid the common concerns about radiation), uses the phenomenon of nuclear resonance to image the human body. – Magnetoencephalography – Electrical impedance tomography – Diffuse optical imaging – Optical coherence tomography Through Physics we nurses are able to treat diseases. Treatment of disease: – Defibrillation – High intensity focussed ultrasound, including lithotripsy – Interventional radiology – Non-ionising radiation Lasers, Ultraviolet etc. including photodynamic therapyand LASIK – Nuclear medicine, including unsealed source radiotherapy – Photomedicine, the use of light to treat and diagnose disease – Radiotherapy – Sealed source radiotherapy – Terahertz radiation Through physics we are also able to understand the part of the body especially the brain. ECG trace Used to monitor and measure various physiological parameters. Many physiological measurement techniques are non-invasive and can be used in conjunction with, or as an alternative to, other invasive methods. – Electrocardiography – Electromyography – Electroencephalography – Electronystagmography – Endoscopy – Medical ultrasonography – Non-ionising radiation (Lasers, Ultraviolet etc.) – Near infrared spectroscopy -Pulse oximetry Blood gas monitor Blood pressure measurement You see Physics is a great help in the field of medicine without it, we are not able to enjoy what we are enjoying in terms of treating our diseases. Chemistry is a huge part of medicine, not only do you need an understanding of it to become a doctor, but it is also both a diagnostic and treatment tool. The importance of chemistry lies in developing and testing new medical treatments and medicines. Without it doctors would not understand how vitamins, supplements, and drugs can help or harm you. Chemistry departments in hospital medical labs play an important and valuable role. Analyzing substances such as blood and urine, for proteins, sugars and other metabolic and inorganic substances. They are able to look for problems such as diabetes, therefore offering an early prognosis and cure to potentially life threatening diseases. Medical Technology extends and improves life. It alleviates pain, injury and handicap. Its role in healthcare is essential. Incessant medical technology innovation enhances the quality and effectiveness of care. Billions of patients worldwide depend on medical technology at home, at the doctor’s, at hospital and in nursing homes. Wheelchairs, pacemakers, orthopedic shoes, spectacles and contact lenses, insulin pens, hip prostheses, condoms, oxygen masks, dental floss, MRI scanners, pregnancy tests, surgical instruments, bandages, syringes, life-support machines: more than 500,000 products (10,000 generic groups) are available today. Medical technology represents only 6,3% of total healthcare expenditure in Europe – a modest share if you consider the benefits for every member of society. The term medical technology may also refer to the duties performed by clinical laboratory professionals in various settings within the public and private sectors. The work of these professionals encompass clinical applications of chemistry, genetics, hematology, immunohematology (blood banking), immunology, microbiology, serology, urinalysis and miscellaneous body fluid analysis. These professionals may be referred to as Medical Technologists (MT) and Medical Laboratory Technologists. Pharmacy which is from the Greek word Pharmakeia φÎ ±Ã ÃŽ ¼ÃŽ ±ÃŽ ºÃŽ µÃŽ ¹ÃŽ ± is the health profession that links the health sciences with the chemical sciences and it is charged with ensuring the safe and effective use of pharmaceutical drugs. The Greek: φÎ ¬Ã ÃŽ ¼ÃŽ ±ÃŽ ºÃŽ ¿ÃŽ ½ (pharmakon), means â€Å"drug† or â€Å"medicine† (the earliest form of the word is the Mycenaean Greek pa-ma-ko, attested in Linear B syllabic script). The scope of pharmacy practice includes more traditional roles such as compounding and dispensing medications, and it also includes more modern services related to health care, including clinical services, reviewing medications for safety and efficacy, and providing drug information. Pharmacists, therefore, are the experts on drug therapy and are the primary health professionals who optimize medication use to provide patients with positive health outcomes. An establishment in which pharmacy (in the first sense) is practiced is called a pharmacy, chemist’s or drug store. In the United States and Canada, drug stores commonly sell not only medicines, but also miscellaneous items such as candy (sweets), cosmetics, and magazines, as well as light refreshments or groceries. The word pharmacy is derived from its root word pharma which was a term used since the 15th–17th centuries. In addition to pharma responsibilities, the pharma offered general medical advice and a range of services that are now performed solely by other specialist practitioners, such as surgery and midwifery. The pharma (as it was referred to) often operated through a retail shop which, in addition to ingredients for medicines, sold tobacco and patent medicines. The pharmas also used many other herbs not listed. In its investigation of herbal and chemical ingredients, the work of the pharma may be regarded as a precursor of the modern sciences of chemistry and pharmacology, prior to the formulation of the scientific method. What is covered in the BS of Pharmacy program? BS of Pharmacy covers subjects that offer a solid foundation in biomedical, clinical, pharmaceutical, biological and social sciences. This is to ensure that students are trained to effective deliver pharmaceutical services in both private and government institutions.